Friday, April 13, 2012


God you said in Genesis 50 "Do not have fear, for I WILL provide for you..." and you have. I am many things; excited, happy, thankful, blessed, and yes, shocked. I would be lying if I did not admit that I was surprised. I had my doubts; I doubted myself, God's will, and time BUT, He has done it! My trip is fully funded. I am humbled to think that I doubted God's goodness. I look back and laugh at myself for ever doubting His providence. God sure has a sense of humor too. I found out a week ago that not only is my trip fully funded, but I have surpassed my goal by three hundred dollars (GO GOD)! It took a week for me to realize it, but I think that it has finally hit me. I am going. He has provided. May I complete the work that God has started in me. He has plans for me that I do not fully know of yet, but in six weeks I will be going and doing the mission that He already has planned for me.